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written permission from the author.
A Discussion of
Aces & Faces Video Poker with Autohold
Published Oct. 15, 2004 - Dedicated to my friend, MrRacetrack
I have a Love-Hate relationship
with this game.
What can I say? I love Microgaming casinos, but I
don't love their video poker game selection. I'm not a Deuces kind of girl, and left Jacks or Better behind me years ago,
so I'm really only left with Aces & Faces and Joker Poker at
Microgaming casinos. While I feel that MGS's Joker Poker is the
best Joker Poker video poker game on the net and love the fact
that I can frequently (enough) pull the top 3 hands, Aces & Faces
can leave me feeling really used and abused.
Aces & Faces is
merely a basic Jacks or Better game
that pays a slight
bonus for getting 4 face cards, with the 4 Aces paying 400 coins.
So why, then, is it so hard to get even a minor 4 of a kind in
this game? Many, many times over the years I've found it easier to get a straight
flush, even more than one in a session, than it is to get a 4 of
a kind. I find myself sitting there sometimes asking the deck if
it even has 4 of the same cards in it? Now, I know it does; I'm
not in any way suggesting that Microgaming's game isn't honest,
because I know it is. But the way this game plays is unreal. I'm
a huge Double Double Jackpot video poker player,
both on & off line, so I'm very familiar with how the game should
play; Aces & Faces defies normalcy despite the fact that I
know it accomplishes its payout percentages. To be fair, it
does have its runs from time to time, and I've
had my share of those, which is why I still play it.

Then.... along
came Viper's Autohold function.
I hate to admit this, but I've lost a ton of money over the last
year or so, just experimenting with this function on the Aces &
Faces game. I have allowed myself to lose hundreds of hands just
watching what happens when I let Autohold have its way.
This is a face
card focused game, yet it puts the strangest holds
on some deals that I've ever seen. It wants to insist on holding
a 10 with a single face card, seriously reducing your chances of
pulling 4 face cards for the bonus payout. It'll hold 2 pairs,
with one pair being face cards (bonus payout for 4 of a kind) and
the other pair low - completely obliterating your chance
for the bonus payout. It does pay 10 for the 2 pairs, but how
many 4 of a kind face card bonus payouts do you miss for that 10?
And the one consistent hold I have the biggest problem with is
Autohold's efforts to pull a straight flush. It'll hold 3 low,
suited cards, and drop an Ace or other face card, in order to
pull the "higher
ranking", but not higher paying, hand. Maybe I've missed something and I just haven't
figured out how the Autohold strategy works with this game? Or
perhaps it truly is programmed to hold for the "highest and best
hand", despite what the payout is or what it may do to the player
in the meantime? Once in a while it hits the big hand it's trying
to, but not enough to make it cost effective over the long run,
at least in my book.
Perhaps this is
just a case of my difference of strategies
- the "perfect strategy" vs. "realistic expectations". My
realistic expectations tell me to get as many bonus payouts as I
can, so I can keep riding the game on the same money until it's
ready to hit the Royal. Or perhaps it's applying a straight
Jacks or Better strategy to a Bonus Video Poker game, something I
personally don't agree with.
It sure is easy,
though, to be lulled into just hitting that Deal/Draw button
when you've been playing for a long session and are tired, bored,
or distracted. Dangerously (and expensively) easy, at which point
it becomes more like a slot game than video poker. I get lulled
into it myself - click/click,
click/click, click/click, click/click
- then watch something go by that I should've changed the hold
on, and get mad at myself for being too lazy to turn Autohold
off. So there you have it - the 2 edges to the same sword.
Overall, though I
hate it at times, I have
to say Aces & Faces is definitely a game worth playing
Microgaming casinos which is why I play it, but my advice is
to either not use Autohold, or to stay on your toes when you're
using it, so you can change the holds that need to be
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the Intro Page
My 2
Basic Video Poker Rules
©2004, c
carley, all rights reserved. No reproduction in any form allowed without express
written permission from the author.